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Aikido is a martial art without competition. People of all ages and sizes can practice it and no physical force is required since movements are performed to project or immobilize.
Aikido completes and specifies the meaning of essential values in human relations such as respect for others, civility, tolerance and collaboration.

Each Aikido class includes unarmed defense techniques with armed or unarmed partners. In Aikido traditional Japanese weapons are used (stick, sword or wood knife).

We practice Japanese respect and etiquette which are governed by a set of unwritten rules allowing the development of harmony between people.



  6 (th)  Kyu (20 hours) 

1. Double tenkan (tai Sabaki)
2. Tenkan
3. Mae ukemi
4. Ushiro ukemi
5. Yoko ukemi
6. Shikko
7. Aihanmi ikkyo omote & ura
8. Shomenuchi ikkyo omote & ura
9. Katate tori shihonage omote

5 (th) Kyu (40  hours) 

1. Shomenuchi Ikkyo
2. Shomenuchi Iriminage
3. Katatetori Shihonage
4. Ryotetori Tenchinage
5. Tsuki Kotegaeshi
6. Ushiro Tekubitori Kotegaeshi
7. Morotetori Kokyuho 

4 (th) Kyu (80  hours) 

1. Shomenuchi Nikkyo
2. Yokomenuchi Shihonage
3. Tsuki Iriminage
4. Ushiro Tekubitori Sankyo
5. Ushiro Ryokatatori Kotegaeshi
6. Suwari waza Shomenuchi Ikkyo
7. Suwari waza Katatori Nikkyo
8. Suwari waza Katatori Sankyo 

3 (rd) Kyu (100  hours) 

1. Yokomenuchi Iriminage (2 ways)
2. Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi
3. Tsuki Kaitennage (uchi & soto)
4. Ushiro Ryokatatori Sankyo
5. Morotetori Iriminage (2 ways)
6. Shomenuchi Sankyo
7. Suwari waza
    Shomenuchi Iriminage
8. Suwari waza Shomenuchi Nikkyo
9. Hanmi handachi
    Katatetori Shihonage
10. Hanmi handachi Katatetori
kaiten nage 

2 (nd) Kyu (200  hours) 

1. Shomenuchi Shihonage
2. Shomenuchi Kaitennage
3. Yokomenuchi Gokyo
4. Ushiro Tekubitori Shihonage
5. Ushiro Tekubitori Jujinage
6. Ushiro Kubishime Koshinage
7. Morotetori Nikkyo
8. Hanmi handanchi
    Shomenuchi Iriminage
9. Hanmi handanchi
    Katatetori Nikkyo
10. Hanmi handanchi
      Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi
11. Free style: 2 attackers 

1 (st) Kyu (300  hours) 

1. Katatori menuchi - 5 techniques
2. Yokomenuchi - 5 techniques
3. Morotetori - 5 techniques
4. Shomenuchi - 5 techniques
5. Ryotetori - 5 techniques
6. Koshinage - 5 techniques
7. Hanmi handachi ushiro
    Waza - 5 techniques
8. Tantotori
9. Free style: 3 attackers

Shodan (400  hours) 

1. All of 1(st) kyu requirements
2. Tachitori
3. Jotori
4. Henka Waza
5. Free style: 4 attackers

Nidan (600  hours) 

1. All of shodan requirements
2. Tachitori - 2 attackers
3. Kaeshi Waza
4. Free style: 5 attackers  

Sandan (700  hours) 

Subject of exam to be determined by
examiner at the time of the exam.



AIKIDO is composed of three ideograms,  AI(合), which means union or meeting, KI(気), which can be interpreted as vital energy, and DO(道), which means path.
Morihei Ueshiba was born on December 14, 1883 in Tanabe, a town in the prefecture of Wakayama, Japan. After having studied numerous martial arts during his youth and being marked by several encounters, Morihei Ueshiba, who his students often called O’Sensei (which means Great Teacher) because of his great expertise in martial arts, gave his training a new direction by eliminating the notion of enemy and winner of a fight. He envisioned Aikido not only as the synthesis of his martial art training, but as an expression of universal peace as well.


There are various Aikido forms and styles. Its movements are inspired by nature whose secret is deep and infinite.

Contact us

Email: Phone: +1 (514)-222-264  


On Ko Chi Shin  To Recall The Past.  To Understand the Future.